by RenewaNation

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.


At RenewaNation, we strive to inspire and equip parents, grandparents, teachers, pastors, and anyone blessed with the opportunity to help shape a child’s biblical worldview. One means of support is our ongoing creation and curation of scripturally-based resources. We are pleased to introduce RenewU, an instrumental platform providing access to RenewaNation’s growing collection. 


As an individual, you can purchase lifetime access to specific resources across the platform.

May God bless you as you disciple the next generation.


Resources for parents and grandparents to raise your children and grandchildren to know, love, and serve Jesus and help you capture a biblical vision to disciple future generations with a biblical worldview.


Training and tools for church leaders to develop a flourishing family ministry and resources to help you equip parents and grandparents to strengthen their family and disciple future generations.


Christian education, a consistent conduit of biblical worldview cultivation, comprehensively equips a child to assess their world, identity, purpose, and destination through scriptural truth. A developing biblical worldview, more than anything else, prepares youth for a lifetime of hope, wisdom, and freedom in Christ.